LORA SX1278 and (Ra-02) Modules 433MHz 10KM COM44, R17


Ra-02 is a wireless transmission module based on SEMTECH’s SX1278 wireless transceiver. It adopts advanced LoRa spread spectrum technology, with a communication distance of 10,000 meters. It has strong ability of anti-jamming and has the function of air wake-up Consumption.


SKU: WRL21466 Category:


Ra-02 is a wireless transmission module based on SEMTECH’s SX1278 wireless transceiver. It adopts advanced LoRa spread spectrum technology, with a communication distance of 10,000 meters. It has strong ability of anti-jamming and has the function of air wake-up Consumption. The SX1278 RF module is mainly used for long-range spread spectrum communication, and it can resist Minimize current consumption. The SX1278 has a high sensitivity of -148 dBm with a power output of +20 dBm, and a long transmission distance and high reliability. At the same time, compared with the traditional modulation technology, LoRa ™ modulation technology has obvious advantages in anti-blocking and selection, which solves the problem that the traditional design scheme can not consider the distance, interference and power consumption at the same time.
It can be covering thousands of people in the district environment, particularly suitable for meter reading, smart home, burglar alarm equipment etc…..




  • LoRa ™ Spread Spectrum modulation technology
  • Constant RF power output at + 20dBm-100mW voltage change
  • Half-duplex SPI communication
  • Supports FSK, GFSK, MSK, GMSK, LoRa ™ and OOK modulation modes
  • Automatic RF signal detection, CAD mode and very high speed AFC
  • Packet engine with CRC up to 256 bytes
  • Small footprint dual-row stamp-hole patch package
  • Shielded housing
  • Spring Antenna


  • Communication distance: 15KM
  • Sensitivity: down to -148dBm
  • Programmable bit rates: up to 300kbps
  • RSSI dynamic range: 127dB
  • Wireless frequency: 433MHz
  • Working voltage: 1.8-3.7v
  • Working temperature: -40-+80 ℃
Package include: LoRa Ra-02 SX1278 433M Wireless Module x 1

Interfacing the module with arduino:the module usually can be configured as transmitter and receiver, in this tutorial we will employ the two modules where one will behave like transmitter and the other as receiver. the aim will be to control the brightness of the led wirelessly the transmitter and receiver circuits are hooked as follows:


The circuit is made of 3 components which are: Arduino, jumper wires,Lora and a Potentiometer to adjust resolution to be sent to receiver


The receiving circuit is made of Lora module, arduino, jumper wires and Led to comvert the resolution received from the transmitter into visual light alterations as shown in circuit below:


After finishing to hook up the circuit, download the library through library manager then copy the codes, paste them to IDE and upload them to your arduinos respectively:

Receiver codes

#include <SPI.h>
#include <LoRa.h> 
int LED = 3;
String inString = ""; // string to hold input
int val = 0;

void setup() {

while (!Serial);
Serial.println("LoRa Receiver");
if (!LoRa.begin(433E6)) { // or 915E6
Serial.println("Starting LoRa failed!");
while (1);

void loop() {

// try to parse packet
int packetSize = LoRa.parsePacket();
if (packetSize) { 
// read packet 
while (LoRa.available())
int inChar = LoRa.read();
inString += (char)inChar;
val = inString.toInt(); 
inString = ""; 

analogWrite(LED, val);

Transmitter codes

#include <SPI.h>
#include <LoRa.h> 
int pot = A0;

void setup() {

while (!Serial); 
Serial.println("LoRa Sender");
if (!LoRa.begin(433E6)) { // or 915E6, the MHz speed of yout module
Serial.println("Starting LoRa failed!");
while (1);
void loop() {
int val = map(analogRead(pot),0,1024,0,255);



Additional information

LORA SX1278 & (Ra-02) Modules

LORA (Ra-02) Module, LORA SX1278 SMD